Friday, January 30, 2009

Pictures of Baby Linkous

Baby Linkous 8 weeks, 5 days!

January Updates

Well, January is over on Sunday, and we know a lot more than we did last month! I'm officially 9 weeks and 1 day. We had our first appointment, which was later than expected due to the "snow" that we were supposed to get but never did... who closes the doctor's office? Only in the SOUTH!

Anyways, it was great! We got to see the baby (looks like a teddy graham) and find out the due date.... drum roll please... SEPTEMBER 2ND! Wow, now Aunt Sarah can REALLY celebrate.

Also, Andy has been making me take pictures of myself already (which I really don't like because I worked so hard to lose the weight, and now I just look fat again, but I'm sure it will be worth it). So enjoy the pictures; I'm sure that they'll get better!
I've been feeling pretty good - no sickness (which is amazing), but I'm VERY tired and have random belly aches. I try to go to the gym and eat healthy, but I'm so tired and junk food sounds SO good! Hopefully the fatigue will go away soon. Andy is a trooper though, and he's becoming an excellent cook!
December 29th: (pretty normal, just a little holiday weight!)

January 30th: (starting to bust out of my pants - how is this possible already?)